Oncology Massage Graduation

🌟 Big congratulations to our very own Trent Renshaw on achieving his certification in Foundations in Oncology Massage through the highly regarded Institute of Oncology Massage! 🎉

This accomplishment highlights Trent’s commitment to providing specialised care for individuals affected by cancer.

Oncology massage offers tailored techniques to help manage stress, pain, anxiety, depression, and fatigue in individuals who have undergone chemotherapy, radiation or surgery for cancer.

Therapists trained in oncology massage are equipped to understand the side effects of cancer treatments and identify any medical considerations to ensure safe and effective treatment.

At The Athlete’s Guild and Coffs Coast Sports Physiotherapy, we’re proud to have Trent expanding his expertise to support all members of our community, including those on their recovery journey. 💙

#TheAthletesGuild #OncologyMassage #InstituteOfOncologyMassage #MaleBreastCancer #MelanomaCancer #ProstateCancer #TesticularCancer #CoffsHarbour

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