What is Osteitis Pubis?

Osteitis Pubis is an inflammation of the pubic symphysis, the joint at the front of the pelvis where the left and right pubic bones meet. It is a condition often seen in athletes, particularly those involved in sports that require repetitive twisting, turning, or kicking movements.

How common is Osteitis Pubis?

Osteitis Pubis is a relatively common condition among athletes, especially in sports like soccer, rugby, and running and is more prevalent in male athletes. It is often a result of overuse and the mechanical stress placed on the pubic symphysis.

Symptoms of Osteitis Pubis

Athletes experiencing Osteitis Pubis may notice:

  • Pelvic Pain: Discomfort or pain in the groin or lower abdomen that may radiate to the hips or thighs.
  • Tenderness: Sensitivity and tenderness at the pubic symphysis.
  • Pain with Movement: Increased pain during activities like running, kicking, or changing directions quickly.
  • Stiffness: Morning stiffness or discomfort after prolonged sitting.

Sports at Risk for Osteitis Pubis

Athletes participating in the following sports are at a higher risk:

  • Soccer: Repetitive kicking and sudden changes in direction can stress the pubic symphysis.
  • Rugby: Frequent twisting and tackling motions can contribute to the condition.
  • Running: Long-distance running, particularly on hard surfaces, can increase the risk.
  • AFL (Australian Rules Football): A combination of running, kicking, and physical contact places athletes at high risk.

Causes and Risk Factors for Athletes

The following factors contribute to the development of Osteitis Pubis:

  • Overuse: Repeated stress on the pelvic area from sports or heavy physical activity.
  • Muscle Imbalance: Imbalances in the muscles around the pelvis can lead to uneven stress on the pubic symphysis.
  • Poor Conditioning: Lack of flexibility and strength in the pelvic and core muscles.
  • Previous Injury: History of groin or pelvic injuries increases susceptibility.


  1. Exercise Modifications
    • Rest and Gradual Return to Activity: Temporarily reduce or stop the activity causing pain. Gradually reintroduce activities as symptoms improve.
    • Strengthening Exercises: Focus on strengthening the core muscles, hip adductors, and abductors to support the pelvic area. Exercises like planks, side leg raises, and hip bridges are beneficial.
    • Stretching: Regular stretching of the hip flexors, groin muscles, and lower back can help alleviate pain and prevent further injury.
  2. Remedial Massage
    • Pelvic and Groin Massage: Targeting the muscles around the pelvis and groin can help reduce tension and inflammation. A qualified sports massage therapist can provide relief from symptoms.
    • Myofascial Release: This technique focuses on releasing tightness in the connective tissues around the pelvis, aiding in reducing pain and improving mobility.
  3. Professional Therapy
    • Consult a Sports Massage Therapist: A qualified sports massage therapist can offer specialised treatment to alleviate symptoms and support recovery.
    • Seek Advice from a Physiotherapist: A physiotherapist with experience in treating Osteitis Pubis can provide targeted exercises to aid in recovery.

Resources and Support

These trusted information partners have more on this topic:
– [Better Health Channel – Osteitis Pubis]
– [Sports Medicine Australia – Groin Pain in Athletes]


Osteitis Pubis can be managed effectively with the right approach. By modifying your exercise routine, incorporating targeted strength and flexibility exercises, and seeking professional massage therapy, you can alleviate symptoms and return to your sport stronger.

For personalised advice and treatment, call Coffs Coast Sports Physiotherapy to book with sports massage therapist Trent Renshaw today and get back to enjoying your sport pain-free.